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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Manifesting Desires -- Seven Laws

Joe Vitale (from "The Secret")
has a new online course on "Awakening". Get the Details here.

Herein are Seven Laws of Attraction followed by a brief explanation of each.

You can begin using these Seven Laws of Attraction now

Here they are:
1) The Law of Manifestation
Consciousness is always a choice. It's the choice to bring your awareness to the present moment, the decision to see and prioritize that which is truly important, that which is genuinely honoring and the value enhancing in your life. Our constant question must be: What am I focusing my consciousness on right now? Then the question that follows is: What might this consciousness be creating for me?

2) The Law of Magnetism
We can only attract the same kind of energy that we put out ourselves. The Universe is filled with vibration that scientists call "strings" of energy, it moves within us from and all around us literally all of the time, whether we are aware of it or not. Each of us is a part of a vast exchange and expansion of this force that takes place in the universe every moment of every day.

3) The Law of Pure Desire
When you're driven by pure intention, free of fear, doubt and desperation you can be certain of a beneficial outcome. For your wishes to be pure you must genuinely believe that you are worthy of what you want.

Start "Awakening" here.

4) The Law of Paradoxical Intent
Desperation creates the Paradox, in warning that you'll get a return of your negative energy, if you're desperate to make things happen. That repulsive vibration will push it away, turning away the very people and situations that might bring your desired outcome. You are bound to push away the very thing that you're desperate to have. Think about the appreciation that you'll have at the fruition of you goals and choose to feel that gratitude for what you have in your life right now. You can get what you want by knowing that you don't need it to be happy.

5) The Law of Harmony
When you consciously choose to create balance and align yourself with the universe, your intention and energy open the flood gates of Universal abundance, allowing you access to all the insights, power and blessings that the world has to offer. Align your energy with yourself, with others and with the universal flow.

6) The Law of Right Action
Your energy is self-perpetuating in the world. Value, honor, and dignity will increase in your life to the same degree that you promote them in the environment around you. On the other hand if your actions work to tear down the value, honor or dignity of others, then that destruction will return to you according to this principle. There is one core question that you must ask yourself about every choice and that question is: "Is this honoring to myself and others?"

7) The Law of Expanding Influence
Energy expands in the world and has influence in your personal arena and in the world at large. You can and do have an impact on everything, from the productivity of your company and the harmony of your family, all the way to the peace of the world! The power of your own personal vibration becomes global by virtue of the law. When you choose to live with reverence in your heart and direct it toward those around you, that positive energy spreads to all your circles of influence and eventually your intention for harmony expands in consciousness of every human being. Every thought and every deed plants a new seed in the garden of our destiny.

Get the Details here.

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